Omega-3 Source

Does Your Omega-3 Source Matter?

Does your omega-3 source matter? In short, if you are an athlete, trying to enhance your performance, or just looking to improve your health, you definitely want to look into adding this oil to your diet. You will find that once you begin taking it, you will enjoy a better feeling overall, and you may discover that you have more energy than ever before!

Many people are confused about the source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Some sources are more nutritious than others. The fish that contain high levels of this fatty acid are mackerel, sardines, Herring and wild Alaskan salmon. Unfortunately, most American commercial fish are severely lacking in this important substance.

As you probably know, it is important to eat a balanced diet that contains all of the important food groups. Those fat-producing foods, which are commonly called “bad” cholesterol, should be avoided. One of the keys to great health is eating plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as healthy proteins. But, too often, Americans consume meals that have a lot of fat and none of the other nutrient-filled ingredients they should.

How can this be? Have you ever wondered why the American diet does not seem to contain the fiber and other nutrients that it should? Or, maybe you saw the commercials about the so-called “fat-free” food items that you thought you could never eat. These were made from hydrogenated oils that actually do more harm than good.

Omegas must be taken in the form of fish oil or flax seed oil, which contains essential fats. Eating any type of vegetable oil will defeat the purpose of including it in a national food plan. Fish oil is an excellent choice because it is very high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Even the oil that comes from cold-water fish – usually salmon – is high in this fatty acid. This is because of the physical structure of the fish oil capsule.

The molecular structure of this oil source is different than that found in seafood. Therefore, the oil source has a much greater affinity for the fat-burning process called thermogenesis. This means that the body burns more fat when consuming the oil from fish oil compared to that from beef, pork, or chicken.

There is some debate about the quantity of these fatty acids that should be consumed on a daily basis. Your doctor or nutritionist can provide you with the information that you need. However, it is likely that most nutrional diets based on the recommendations of many experts include at least a small amount of this fatty acid.

Remember that eating a healthy diet that is full of natural, whole foods is important. However, your body needs certain substances in order to function well. If you are an athlete or someone who works out or spends time outdoors, then there is no question that fish oil supplements are a great addition to your everyday routine.

Athletes are exposed to a lot of damaging toxins while they are working out. However, if they did not take fish oil, they would quickly see a decrease in their physical performance. If you workout regularly, but do not eat right, you can quickly see a decrease in your physical performance. Most people do not realize this, but they could be giving themselves all sorts of physical problems that could ultimately be deadly.

As we mentioned earlier, many athletes depend upon fish and other natural sources of this essential fatty acid for proper nutrition. The great news is that you can reap the benefits of eating this fish and never see the negative effects on your health. Yes, fish oil can be high in saturated fats, which is something to be avoided as much as possible. However, the types of fats found in this oil are much safer to consume than saturated fats. In fact, polyunsaturated fats have even been shown to improve heart health.

This is why eating a healthy diet high in fish oil has recently become a popular dietary choice among athletes and those wanting to improve their heart health. Of course, not everyone will benefit from eating fish on a regular basis. Those who suffer from heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension may want to consider waiting before starting to take supplements. In fact, there are also studies showing that pregnant women and those undergoing hormone replacement therapy should avoid fish oil completely.

Before you start thinking about taking fish oil, it is important to understand how eating fish can affect your overall health. In addition to high in essential fatty acids, fish contains many other nutrients that are good for your health and help keep you feeling good. If you are interested in improving your health, then now is the perfect time to add some fish oil to your daily diet.

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